Tuesday 5 February 2013

U6:C4: Be able to develop responses to media products

In pairs discuss and analyse the six images below, using the keywords:

Signifier, signify, connotation, denotation.

You can use the internet if you need help. Think about font, style and mise en scene:

The Red Rose's denotation would be that it's a sweet, strong smelling flower that has a vibrant red colour and looks pretty. The connotations however can connote different associations depending on the individual. For example, giving a rose to a person can show affection to a partner, lover or even a friend. The rose is normally seen as a romantic object but the meanings of the flower can change depending on the person that sees it as well as changing in culture and location. Another meaning for the rose is the Labour party as they have adorned the rose as their political logo but this may not occur in the minds of people that don't live in the UK. The quantity can also have a special meaning. A single red rose shows love, a dozen shows gratitude, twenty-five shows congratulations and fifty show unconditional love. Two red roses tied together symbolises an engagement. Even the thorns of a rose can connote that something beautiful can have a edge or a side to them that is unpleasant, just like thorns.

The Rainbow Flag, also known as the LGBT flag is a symbol of gay pride. The denotation shows that it's a flag using the colours red to violet. The flag signifies diversity with the use of colours. The Rainbow flag has been used elsewhere however still containing the message of diversity and inclusiveness. It also connotes the feelings of hope and yearning. The flag is also known as the peace flag in Italy and the cooperative symbolising the international co-operative movement. A rainbow itself has it's own connotations of a better future as a rainbow comes after a rainy day.

The "peace" sign, otherwise known as the "V" sign is a hand gesture in which two fingers are outstretched in the shape of a V. The connotations of the V sign:
In England, it is a way to insult someone when it is shown to someone with the palm facing away from the person. This stems from a historical insult of when the English and French were at war, Frenchmen used to cut off the index and middle finger of English longbow men to stop them firing their arrows. In response to this, the English longbow men who still had their fingers, used to display them to the French (known as The Longbowman Salute.) to show they still have their fingers to draw their bows, this has slowly worked its way into a generic insult for most English-related countries such as New Zealand, the UK and Australia but is also not certain as there was no evidence for that the French used to cut off the fingers of the English captives.

Another connotation of the "V" sign is peace (with the palm outward) but this can also mean victory which became popular when many historical figures like Winston Churchill and Richard Nixon started using the symbol though in some countries, the "peace sign" can be seen as satanic like a broken cross. The "V" sign has a lot of different connotations in the word.

Lego Indiana Jones:

The connotations of Lego Indiana Jones are the adventure and exploration. One of the things that signifies this is the map in the background of the game case. The sepia tone used in the background could also suggest archaeology and exploration of travel to old settlements for long lost relics of the past. His attire and clothing is very typical of old style clothing, as Indiana Jones was set during the second world war, his clothes represent the time but also look adventurous in appearance as well. The style of the character is also childish in appearance as well suggesting that this game could be aimed at a younger audience that other games of the genre.


Bioshock's denotation is that it's two hands reaching for one another as the background is set in an ocean with a clock. If you look for more and the connations within the image, you could maybe represent the clock with a world lost in time. The arms reaching for one another pose more questions as well as one is much larger than the other. Could the larger hand be trying to drag the smaller hand into this ocean. The worn look of the gloves and the clock are another hint at the world lost in time theory or could also suggest a post-apocolyptic world surrounded by ocean just like the movie "Waterworld".